GO UP, DOWN, KEEP, GO BACK, GO AGAIN, so many diverse and also complex emotions that can develop in extremely short periods of time. Governments create trillions of money and so many questions arise in our brains, that in a variety of opportunities it leads us to BTC, because we are in the information age, only we have the power to validate or not any important data that comes to our hands.
BTC IS NOT A PLAN TO GET RICH QUICKLY. Without a doubt, 2020 was an excellent year for BTC, but we must be aware that we are exposed to risks that are typical of this type of operation. Many cases have been seen where BTC has been traded and it has become a murderer, as a result that many people have invested all their capital and due to the mishandling of information about the crypto currency market negotiation they have been ruined.
The BTC has many of the properties of gold and the best is DIGITAL, which allows us to have it more easily and quickly even in the face of its volatility. In this digital age it is common to find many comments like this: “Since I started investing in Crypto my life changed, most of us do not seek to be rich, but to live a decent life.” This crypto currency has proven to be a top-performing asset in 10 of its 12 years of creation.
It is clear that gold has existed for a long time to suddenly disappear, “Despite all the terrible things of the past year”, it is an asset of value, which will not depreciate, on the contrary its value will increase over time, it is Other crypto currencies, such as Ethereum, are likely to rise in popularity and value as well. Several central banks are also making headway in developing their own digital currencies and whether any government can ban bitcoin.
The new trends in money generation tend to attract too many people who seek to take advantage of the same opportunities, which allows them to achieve economic stability, but we must be clear this path is not EASY. There is nothing wrong with venturing into something new, but look for something that is not so saturated that it is impossible for everyone to make a profit.
This is one of the qualities that the financial market of crypto currencies has, its participation index is unlimited, to the point that various crypto have been created that allow diversifying investments, guaranteeing the protection of our wealth.
When it comes to high funds, you shouldn’t rush, much less invest beyond your comfort zone, whether you’re investing as a private individual or expanding your business. Many companies have tried to expand outside of their fields, but few have been successful.
Preserving your money is all about keeping it safe and secure. The goal of money preservation is to have something to retire with and also to be able to leave something to your children and even your grandchildren.
That is why the crypto currency market is so interesting, because if Wall Street and corporations are beginning to realize this and that they are needing this type of virtual currency, then central banks will come and lastly governments, because It is the only asset class where people have started to enter first, then corporations entered second and the government entered last, which is why BTC HAS MARKED A MILESTONE IN THE WORLD’S FINANCIAL HISTORY.
At this point in the financial diversity of our changing world, it is worth asking ourselves, as if a small group of visionaries who did not have such a giant success in their plans with the creation of BTC could achieve this, even in the fractures that it has had to Through strong falls in its value it has managed to rise, because we who now have so many tools just a click away on our computers or smartphones do not run the risk of investing in an economic model that proves to be the basis of the finances of the future .
You cannot keep gold at home because it is not safe at all, the same happens with digital gold, infinite platforms have been created, many of them in the form of apps so that your virtual assets are safe and protected, just keep in mind that you must take care of your information and verify in what type of application you will store said data.