From all the academic assignments, essays are the most common. They allow presenting a personal opinion on different cases. There are two main categories of essays. Formal and informal. The first one encounters mostly in the education sphere. Students analyze scientific subjects and answer complicated questions. With informal papers, you can use rather conversational language and present humorous stories. Besides, there are four main types of essays, which depend on the author’s intention.
Argumentative Essay
When students must present opinions on certain statements, they can use arguments to support their position. You can use relevant evidence and facts. An argumentative essay may have a persuasive effect as you explain why your point of view is correct.
A proper argumentative essay uses one of two models. The first one is called Rogerian. The author investigates two aspects of an argument. Next, you compare the strong and weak sides of each. The conclusion describes both of them, using argument characteristics as supporting evidence.
The second is the Toulmin model. At the beginning of the argumentative essay, you introduce the topic and main thesis. Next, with the help of given data, your either support or deny the claim. This model allows having counterarguments too. The main purpose is to investigate the subject properly. Thus, students mostly use it in academic writing.
Narrative Essay
Among other types, the narrative has enough freedom to write creatively and remain a part of academic assignments. You can describe your personal experience on a certain topic. Unlike common stories, students must follow a strict structure. What you are writing can be real or fictional. In the second case, your present position from a certain perspective.
Writers of narrative essays must achieve several goals. You must develop a certain viewpoint on the subject. After presenting a personal thesis, support it with good evidence. Always provide precise information, which readers can easily understand. While telling a story, keep correct chronological order. Make sure to pay attention to the setting, plot, climax, and ending.
Narrative essays often look similar to short stories. They both have characters and themes, but there are differences. The essay presents only one motif. Readers mostly get it from the text title, and the plot is complete. In the meantime, a short story may contain an open ending and encourage readers to discover more.
Descriptive Essay
Just from the name of this essay type, you may figure out how you write it. The descriptive paper provides an evaluation of the topic in detail. Such an essay may focus attention on objects, people, places, emotions, situations, and others.
It can be similar to a narrative essay, but this one provides complete freedom in descriptions. Authors can evaluate and present opinions from different sides. It is primarily focused on developing creativity and imagination, together with paying attention to different qualities.
Commonly for descriptive essays, you can engage the reader’s senses. Do not be afraid of writing a story, describing tastes, smells, physical qualities, visual characteristics, etc. Emotions are a great part of such essays. You can always assign various qualities to characters, explaining why they act in a specific way.
Expository Essay
This type is rather scientific. It requires presenting an objective evaluation of studied data. After receiving the topic, students can spend more time investigating materials than writing. Readers must receive a highly detailed explanation of the subject with good supporting evidence.
In the process of preparation studying materials for expository essays, always make notes. You can collect various good ideas. Do not keep them in mind, as you will forget them. Then, while writing the essay itself, you can easily provide all the gathered material.
Among other requirements for an expository essay is a formal language. Always write in the third person and avoid colloquialisms. Keep logical order of sentences and make sure they are easy to read. Then, tutors will be satisfied with such an essay.
Quick Tips for Essay Writing
Writing academic assignments can be quite difficult. Even when essays are short types of papers, students face various problems. To get a top score, always proofread texts before passing them to professors. You must remove any mistakes together with plagiarism. Do not copy internet essays samples. Most of them are not unique.
In case you want, prepare papers without trouble, consider using professional essays writers. Simply receive finished assignments by the deadline. Nevertheless, start writing essays as soon as possible. You never know how much time you will need to accomplish academic papers. Missed deadlines are something that you must always avoid.