Most personal assistants use recording devices on a regular basis. Instead of writing down important information on a piece of paper, many like to record notes with a recording device.
Dictaphones have been around for several years, however, technology has been developing fast, especially over the last couple of decades. Today, there are tons of different recording devices that are much more advanced than the dictaphones that were readily available in the 1990s. There are several websites dedicated to selling audio and video recorders that can be used for lots of different situations. Not only do most of these devices record for several hours, but they look great too!
If you are in the market for a new recording device, then here are a few things you should look out for.
Battery Life
Most of us need to keep a lot of devices charged including smart devices such as tablets, smartphones, and smartwatches. Battery-powered cars have been growing in popularity in recent years, so people need to charge their vehicles regularly too. Investing in another device that requires frequent charging can prove frustrating, which is why you should consider purchasing a voice recorder that lasts for several hours.
If you buy a voice recorder with a long-lasting battery, you won’t have to put it on charge every day. There are some devices out there that will last for 24 hours, so you won’t have to worry about the battery level going low after using it. There is nothing worse than your battery draining in the middle of work, especially if you need to record important work information.
Is it Compatible with Your Computer and other Devices?
If you are using a Mac computer for work, make sure that the recorder is compatible with it. If it isn’t compatible, you might be unable to transfer the audio files to your computer, or your Apple smart device.
Because most modern computers come with an internal hard drive with a lot of free space, you will be able to store large audio clips on the computer without having to worry about a lack of space. If it’s not compatible, you might be forced to invest in a new voice recorder that is. The manufacturer will display information on whether or not it is compatible with Mac devices on their official website. If you are purchasing the recorder from an online marketplace, consider making direct contact with the voice recorder’s seller for more information.
What Other Features Should I Look out for?
Most recorders allow users to playback audio from the device, but not all of them. Most have a build-in speaker so you can listen to all of the notes you have recoderded. However, if you purchase a cheap recorder online, it might not have a speaker, which can prove frustrating. If it doesn’t have a built-in speaker, it might allow you to connect headphones or speakers to the device. Most personal assistants will want a device that provides both options, a speaker and a headphone input.
Voice activation is another feature a lot of personal assistants require. This feature is highly beneficial because it will only start recording when it detects sound. It will help with conserving space on the device, and it will immediately stop recording when there isn’t any noise. A personal assistants often leads a very busy life, so its not surprsining they forget to record important conversations and notes from time to time. Having a recorder with this helpful feature will keep track of all of your conversations even when you forget to press the record button.
If you would like to check out a detailed review about different voice recorders currently available, Spycentre have published infortmaion on this website.
You don’t want to invest in a recorder that doesn’t have enough storage. If you find yourself having to delete audio clips regularly, you might end up deleting important infortmation by mistake.
Back in the day, most dicataphones recorded audio onto tapes, but nowadays, modern recorders record clips to internal storage that is built into the device’s hardware. Some even have a slot where users can put in external memory, such as a Micro SD card. These tiny memory cards will make transfersing audio clips easy. All you will need is a card recorder with a Micro SD slot. The more memory, the more audio clips the device can store.
Is the Recorder User Friendly
If you tend to struggle with modern technology, then you should avoid investing in a recorder that makes recording audio complicated. You will want a device that is easy to use, so the recording process is straightforward. If you need to record a conversation in a short space of time, you shouldn’t have to do much for the device to start operating. Look for a recorder with a voice activation feature, and a simple record button.