Everyone wants to keep their website away from any sort of malware. However, keeping your website safe and secure from the hands of hackers is never ending process. Website infections are very scary. According to a cybersecurity study, almost 18,500,000 websites are attacked. This is roughly estimated that at an average website is attacked by 45 times each day.
Ultimately, you are accountable for maintaining your own website. There are some best ways to protect your website and its data. One of the most basic ways to this is to buy SSL certificates to help you to secure valuable data.
The immediate question that comes to mind is how to secure your website? Well, the answer is simple. You better invest in SSL certificates to help you from malware.
Unfortunately, every 7 out of 10 websites and the web servers are prone to malware attacks. In this post, we will see a few steps to help you save from the malware and virus.
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Migrate to HTTPS (SSL) Secure Hosting:
First and foremost thing you may be thinking is what is exactly migrating to HTTPS.
You are very much familiar with SSL certificates. HTTPS is a set up after you install SSL certificate on the web server for any domain.
Therefore this SSL certificate allows you with an encrypted version links between the web server and the website.
HTTPS has been e-commerce backbone for online payments and also for other uses. This SSL certification is of great help and also keeps sensitive data secured from the website and the computer.
However, Google is also doing its bit by promoting the need for best online security. As a matter of fact, these days HTTPS and SSL certificates are recognized as a Google Page ranking factor in their search algorithms.
All the websites with HTTPS will have a tick in the box from Google, thereby helps their rankings to get better. Better rank means better traffic, better traffic is more business.
Use A Website Site Shield And A Web Application Firewall:
Being proactive is a wiser move than worrying after your website is prone to malicious virus. Therefore, if you want to protect effectively you should try using If you want to proactively protect your website then you should consider using a powerful malware and anti-virus software which continuously runs on the background and safeguards your website.
Some of them include a Web Application Firewall (WAF) which monitors the website constantly and secures from some the threats like Cross Scripting (XSS), Injections, and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).
The overall advantage with a WAF is it not only identify malware but also remove it completely from your website, thus keeping it sound.
Perform Regular Automatic Backups:
- Performing regular backups or automatic backups will reduce the worry of getting your website hacked. Whenever your website is hacked, the first and foremost step you should do is revert to a basic version of your website that does not have the malicious infectious files.
- You can go with automatic updates and manual updates as well. Both will secure very well. However, manual backups will remember you take up backups regularly.
- If you are very busy and cannot make up for manual backups, you can schedule automatic backups. Backing up restores all the data, files. You can anytime restore to a certain point whenever required.
Strengthen Passwords:
This might simply step but trust me it works well. So, keeping your website’s passwords difficult and strong is the best idea to avoid unauthorized logins.
Regardless of what is your CMS, all email accounts, FTP details and Hosting control panel.
You can survive most of the attacks by carefully keeping the passwords.
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Here are some ideas to help you to have unaffected passwords are:
- Always include different word combinations, include numbers, characters, special characters. Play with upper and lower characters as well.
- Never use similar passwords for different systems.
- Updating the login details frequently.
Install a Web Application Firewall:
Last but not least, you should install a web firewall. You can consider investing in a hosting plan that has an inbuilt firewall installed. This firewall will serve your first step of defense of your website and also monitors the website’s progress. The firewall will have a look at the traffic which is incoming to your website based on the location of the visitors. The firewall will block all the suspicious traffic and also the hackers.
Final Thoughts:
Finding out what your website needs are, by default is having an SSL certificate done to your websites. Following the above-mentioned steps, you can check out your site has been infected with malware and virus is a dangerous situation but you don’t worry about the damage that will occur. You can use the tips in this article to secure your site and protect it from malware. If you have some more handy tips, let us know. We will update on our blog.