Throughout the past couple of decades, there has been a major shift regarding smoking. People continue to do so for a plethora of reasons despite all of the data illustrating how dangerous and unhealthy it can be. This is where the E cigarette comes into play.
Vaping, as it is known, has become an alternative to traditional cigarette smoking. But is it really better than its predecessor? There are four benefits in particular of vaping over smoking cigarettes that you may not have been aware of before.
1. No Smoke Inhalation
Perhaps the biggest difference between the two is that there is no smoke inhalation to speak of. Traditional smoking involves inhaling a lot of toxic chemicals, many of which come through the inhalation of that smoke.
But with an E cigarette, smokers can get the same levels of nicotine without the effects of traditional smoking. Not only that, but there is no high heat inhalation that would come with smoking. That heat can wind up being very damaging to the throat over time. Just another reason why vaping is a better idea than traditional cigarette smoking.
2. Vaping Does Less Damage
As just about everyone knows by now, smoking can be incredibly harmful to your health. But those who really enjoy the effect of smoking may be hard pressed to give it up, which is why vaping can be more beneficial than you realize.
Vaping has the flavours and chemicals needed to create a similar ambiance. That said, it doesn’t contain anywhere close to the more than 6,000 chemicals that can be found in the average cigarette. Cigarettes can have a major risk of brain damage and stroke, cancers, and general discomfort. Vaping can mean even cutting down on the bad smoker breath that cigarettes bring. Speaking of which…
3. No Smoke Smell
Even if you were to ignore all of the health factors involved in smoking, there is one negative to traditional smoking that stands out above the rest: the smoker smell. It is pungent and can be detected with just a quick whiff.
But vaping gets rid of that smell because it doesn’t actually produce smoke. There is even a dry herb vaporizer that can reduce any smells coming from the vape, meaning that there is no unpleasant smoker smell to have to contend with.
4. Your Lungs Will Thank You
Remember the high heat that cigarettes generate and how it isn’t good for your throat? Well, it isn’t good for your lungs, either. Since vaping doesn’t have those high heats, it means far less damage done to your lungs and airways in the process.
Smoking ages the lungs far more quickly, doing a ton of damage with each cigarette. It also compromises the immune system, making it more difficult to battle infection. Vaping doesn’t have these issues, which means getting the same tastes and effects of a cigarette without the major health issues that typically come along with the smoking experience.
By switching to vaping you could also save especially if you decide to buy popular vapes in bulk like Fumevape 10 pack.