One of the most important aspects of motorcycling is safety gear but this is often easily overlooked. Though safety gear can be cumbersome, awkward, and intrusive, it’s also the only thing that will protect you from the road in the event of a collision. Protective gear has two main purposes: protection and comfort. Properly fitting gear will help you stay comfortable when you encounter various riding conditions. In the event of a crash, protective gear will help prevent or reduce injuries. You can find the best motorcycle protective gear at the best prices and get riding with free shipping on orders over $99 at
After your helmet, gloves, bike boots and motorcycle jackets, motorcycle neck braces or neck supports are also an important item of safety gear. But a neck brace is not a piece of equipment that many motorcycle riders would consider. However, it’s common to see motocross and off-road racers wearing neck braces. During a crash, the brace prevents the head from snapping forward, back and sideways to a point where neck injury can occur.
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The motorcycle neck brace was pioneered by Dr Chris Leatt, a South African racer and doctor when, in the early 2000s, he witnessed the death of a fellow rider while on the race track. Keen to protect both his son (who was following in his footsteps) and future generations of riders, the enterprising doctor started to develop a neck brace that would protect motorcyclists from injury. Leatt’s first neck brace was first marketed way back in 2004, offering cervical protection specific to off-road riders and racers alike. His invention took a good few years to be accepted by riders, but as the brace grew in popularity, other companies looked to develop their own versions to address the same risks.
You can browse for a good range of motorcycle neck supports from the industry’s top brands, such as Alpinestars, O’Neal, SixSixOne, and more at While you’re at the website, you’ll want to check out cheap motorcycle parts and accessories too.
Neck injuries are life threatening and certainly have the potential to be life changing, so taking steps like wearing a neck brace to minimize your risk is a wise move.