You can make some good money owning an auto shop. There are a lot of people on the road, and they’ll often need to have work done. According to BLS, as of 2022, there were 782,200 automotive mechanics. You surely hired some of them for your shop, and it’s important to keep them. Here are several strategies to help you retain these employees for your business.
Hire Enough People
Weighing the need for more employees and being able to balance payroll while also maximizing profits has always been a problem when it comes to business. You want to have hardworking people in your auto shop, but you also want them to avoid burnout from having too much on their plates. That’s where bringing in some more mechanics or other specialized workers to be able to spread out the workload.
This is something that’s supported by studies. MetLife did a study and found that 40% of employees said that if their company were to hire more people, it would reduce a lot of stress. Having more people available would also make for happier customers since they would have a shorter wait period for any needed repairs. That seems like a win-win.
You also want to make sure you pay your workers enough. Your employees will need this job to support their families, after all. Fair pay is another great way to retain your staff.
Hire Good Managers
The number of employees at a particular job only tells part of the story when it comes to retention. Management plays a key role in whether an employee will remain on the job or decide to look elsewhere for work. You want to make sure you have good management in place.
It takes a certain knack to be able to be a good manager, though. They have to answer to their boss, which is you, while also overseeing the work being done by the other employees. If those employees feel that a particular manager isn’t being fair to them, then they go to look somewhere else. Bad managers play a big part in businesses that have high turnover rates.
Consider Gifting Your Employees
Employees like to feel appreciated. You can show that appreciation by gifting them things at certain times. According to Gitnux, a company that does corporate gifting has a 37% higher retention rate. Your gifts can make your employees happy and make them want to stay.
These gifts can come in the form of swag. You can order a hoodie with your auto shop’s name on it and gift it to them so that they will be able to stay comfortable on those cooler spring, summer, and fall nights. The same goes for winter hats. Show your employees these small forms of appreciation.
Employee retention is important for something like an auto shop — the mechanics and other staff get to form bonds with customers. There’s even a chance that they might progress to being on a first-name basis with each other. The mechanic will remember the history of the vehicle each time the customer brings it in. Yes, there might be the need for a quick recap, but there won’t be the lengthier conversation that might occur when one always has to talk to a new mechanic during each visit.
By doing the above, you’ll greatly improve your chances of having a successful auto shop. Yes, there might be some inevitable turnover due to people retiring or moving, but you’ll have a reputation as a great place to work. Those who leave will likely be replaced by loyal people. That will make your retention efforts worth it.